B-VAC™ Maintenance Video Series
The B-VAC™ sponge blasting system can be maintained easily by preforming a thorough walkaround prior to the start of each blasting shift. Be sure to depressurize the B-VAC™ system prior to doing any work on the machine.

Other Videos in the BVAC Training and Maintenance Series Include:
How to Depressurize a B-VAC™

Overview of B-VAC™ Control Panel and Lower Controls

Filling the B-VAC™ with Sponge Media™

How To Correct B-VAC™ Media Feed Issues

Overview for the Hopper, Gulper, and Vacuum Hose Used with the B-VAC™

Overview of the B-VAC™ Toolkit

Below are videos that troubleshoot components of the B-VAC™, but are not B-VAC™ specific...